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    Workplace Drug Testing

    Workplace drug testing

    The figures may vary slightly across states, but many studies and surveys have shown that a significant percentage of drug users are employed and active in the Australian workplace.

    Drug and alcohol testing is one of the best ways of finding out who among your employees is under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work so you can keep your workplace safe and productive.

    Onsite drug and alcohol testing is fast, easy, and relatively non-invasive. 

    The most common drug and alcohol testing types are urine testing, oral fluid (saliva) testing, and alcohol breath testing. Other testing types include hair follicle testing, wastewater surveillance testing, and methamphetamine surface testing. 

    Drug and alcohol testing methods include pre-employment, post-incident, reasonable cause, random, return to work and blanket.

    Why workplace drug testing is important

    It is a workplace obligation under WH&S Act 2011 (OHS Act 2004 in Victoria) to take reasonable steps to ensure safety in a workplace. 

    Your company has a duty of care to anticipate and address any potential threats to health and safety at work. Misusing drugs and/or alcohol means individuals may endanger their health and safety, and that of their colleagues.

    In addition, drug and alcohol testing can enable you to identify problem workers early, increase productivity, reduce employee turnover and recruitment costs, and reduce worker’s compensation claims, saving you time and money. 

    Learn more

    Safework Health can help you with all your workplace health and safety needs. Contact us today for a confidential discussion.

    There are of course many reasons why you want to drug test in the workplace. Here are the main three:

    1. Employee Health and Safety

    Alcohol and Other Drugs (A & OD) are one of  many potential factors that can have an impact of workplace health and safety. It is a workplace obligation under WH&S Act 2011** to take reasonable steps to ensure safety in a workplace.  It is not unreasonable to expect your employees will come to work Fit for Duty and by having an A & OD policy and procedure you can tick that box off as covered, along with Fatigue and other health related policies that can affect performance.

    Find more about the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 HERE.

    2. Legal Requirements

    Depending on your industry, you may have a legal requirement to do testing on your employees.

    3. Getting Work/Tenders

    It is quickly becoming apparent, that it is an expectation that companies have a workplace drug and alcohol policy as part of a tender process or bidding for work in any way.  Without one, it is viewed that your safety systems are not as comprehensive and your company may not be viewed as favourably as others bidding for the work, who have one.