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  • Safework Health provides methamphetamine surface testing services;

    Methamphetamine Testing

    Safework Health offers comprehensive meth testing services to protect individuals from the dangers of methamphetamine contamination.

    Utilising state-of-the-art, laboratory-based testing methods, we accurately detect traces of methamphetamine (also known as ice or crystal meth) and other amphetamine-type substances.

    As one of the few testing laboratories in Western Australia with turnaround times of less than 48 hours, we ensure a fast and efficient testing process. Our swift results empower you to promptly implement necessary corrective measures.

    Safework Health provides methamphetamine surface testing services;

    The Importance Of Methamphetamine Testing

    Methamphetamine use and manufacture in Australia have increasingly been on the rise.

    Unlike other recreational stimulant drugs, methamphetamine is relatively easy to manufacture, due to the ease of obtaining reagents and it can be “cooked” in quite small areas.

    During manufacture, methamphetamine, including its salt, may persist on surrounding surfaces for months or even years. Failure to adequately clean a site where methamphetamine has been smoked or, even worse, manufactured, leaves substantial methamphetamine and organic chemical residues, which can be easily absorbed, especially by young children and toddlers, posing a risk to people living in that environment years after the contamination occurred.

    Exposure to methamphetamine through surface contamination can cause significant health problems such as skin, eye and respiratory irritation, dizziness, headaches, cardiovascular effects and insomnia.

    Protect Your Property Or Workplace With Meth Testing Services From Safework Health

    Safework Health’s meth residue testing service meets stringent requirements under ISO/IEC 17025. This includes the testing and analysis of filter, swab and wipe samples for illicit drugs, such as:

    • Amphetamine
    • Ephedrine
    • Methamphetamine
    • Pseudoephedrine 

    We also provide a fully validated and externally verified method for testing.

    There are currently no formal standards covering methamphetamine surface testing. However, we use the Australian National Clandestine Drug Laboratory Remediation Guidelines. We also follow the US Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Voluntary Guidelines for Methamphetamine Laboratory Cleanup’.

    Additionally, Safework Health has received full accreditation from NATA.

    One Of The Few WA Health-Qualified Providers

    Safework Health is one of a select few companies qualified by WA Health for testing and remediating chemical residues. WA Health has provided a detailed list of qualified Forensic Testers, Cleaning Contractors and Laboratory Analysis Providers.

    If you suspect meth manufacturing or smoking has occurred in your home, it is important to follow the Department’s guidance for testing or clean-up.

    Buy Reliable Methamphetamine Test Kits

    Safework Health’s Methamphetamine Surface Collection Kits are compliant with “NIOSH 9111 Methanol on Wipes” accredited standard.

    • Gauze (as NIOSH 9111 Not Towel) 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm soaked in 3 ml reagent grade Methanol
    • Templates are precision cut with a 100 mm x 100 mm window with adhesive wall backing strip
    • 50 ml Sterile Falcon Tube
    • Supplied in bags of 20.

    To purchase a kit email us at info@swhealth.com.au

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    More Information

    Contact us today to learn more about our methamphetamine surface testing services.